以下短文是公司杰出员工、重庆新途进出口贸易有限公司董事长王敬春先在日本AOTS CKS中心研修期间Mr.Ogawa赠与的话;在2012年公司新途奖学金颁奖仪式上王总转赠与同学们,希望大家共勉!
The WINNER sees a solution for every problem.
The LOSER sees a problem in every solution.
The WINNER always looks for an idea for solution.
The LOSER always finds an excuse.
The WINNER says “let me do it for you.”
The LOSER says“that’s not my job.”
The WINNER always takes responsibility.
The LOSER always shifts responsibility to others.
The WINNER says “it may be difficult,but it’s possible.”
The LOSER says“it may be possible,but it’s too difficult.”
The WINNER always acts.
The LOSER always discusses.
Concentrate on WHAT I CAN DO
for the issues in the situation with many limiting factors.